Thursday, October 27, 2022

Benefits of these husks


Everyone in the subcontinent knows this. We are also aware of its various benefits. Many people think that there is 'gul' in the name, maybe it will be the delicate petals of a small flower. But its relationship is not with flowers, but with seeds. To be precise, with the seed coat, which we know as the husk. It is known as psyllium husk in the foreign market. Greek 'psylla' means a kind of fly, a wingless flea. This name in English means that the seeds of this plant look like fleas.

These words are derived from the Persian 'ispa-gol', meaning 'horse's ear'. Although very small, the pods can look like a horse's ear when magnified hundreds of times. However, by a stretch of imagination, we have assimilated it into Bengali, which is phonetically 'Ishbgul' and spelled 'Isabgul'. Click here for more>>>

The main use of the husk and seeds of this plant is in constipation. We usually use more of its husk. Because, it is readily available. Constipation can occur due to various body problems, eating habits, taking medicines, sitting still for a long time on a long journey, and even during pregnancy. These can also be taken as food along with other medicines, as there are no side effects.

Let us then know about the qualities of these husks-

1. To prevent constipation:

The husk of this plant works well in preventing constipation. The insoluble fiber present in it softens the stools of constipated patients. As a result, elimination is possible very easily. So you can drink 2 spoons of isabgul husk and 1 glass of warm milk before going to sleep. If one harbors the disease, colon cancer is likely to develop.

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2. Lowers blood cholesterol:

Eating this husk creates a kind of layer in our intestines. which inhibits the absorption of cholesterol. As a result, the amount of cholesterol in our blood decreases and returns to normal. So it is a great food for heart patients.

3. Prevention of diarrhea:

Many suffer from diarrhea. A great tonic for them is isabgul husk and curd. By mixing these two together, you will get rid of diarrhea easily. To know more please click here>>>

4. Reduces weight:

Due to the presence of fiber in it, the digestion process is much slower. So hunger is very less. Losing weight becomes much easier by playing it.

5. Prevention of diabetes:

There is a substance called gelatin in the husk of isabgul. Which inhibits the process of absorption and breakdown of glucose in the body. As a result, blood sugar cannot increase easily. So this husk is very suitable for controlling diabetes. Please click here>>>

6. Reduces acidity:

The fiber present in the husk forms a layer in the stomach. Which protects us from acidity. Besides, this husk accelerates the digestion process.

7. Improves digestion:

Rich in soluble and insoluble food grains, these vegetables help to keep the digestive process in proper condition. It not only helps in keeping the stomach clean, it also helps in the movement of food inside the stomach and in the elimination of waste products from the stomach. Therefore, you can eat these vegetables regularly to improve the digestive process. Besides, you can mix these with matha or ghol and eat immediately after eating rice. But one thing that should be taken care of is that these should be eaten immediately without mixing them. Click for more>>>

8. In the health of heart health:

Dietary fiber in these helps to reduce cholesterol levels which protects us from heart disease. It helps in heart health as it is high in fiber and low in calories. Doctors always talk about such foods to prevent heart disease. It creates a thin layer on the stomach wall which prevents the absorption of cholesterol from the food especially it lowers the blood serum cholesterol level. It also removes excess cholesterol from the blood that can cause blockages in the arteries. As a result it protects us from heart disease and coronary heart disease. So to keep the heart healthy eat these regularly right after meals or after waking up in the morning.

9. Prevent piles: 

Naturally rich in soluble and insoluble nutrients, these are good for those suffering from painful problems like anal fissures and piles. It not only helps to cleanse the stomach but also helps to soften the stool by absorbing the water in the intestine and helps it to pass out of the body painlessly. It also helps heal inflammatory wounds. Mix 2 spoons of this turmeric in warm water and drink it before going to sleep. click here>>>

10. warning: 

This is only a home remedy for the mentioned problems. If the condition is very serious, consult a doctor.

Check these while buying:

These are easily available everywhere in our country starting from market to super market. But before buying some things must be kept in mind-

- Buy packaged herbs

- Never buy opened isabg as it may be spoiled and adulterated which may result in not getting good results from eating it.

- There are various artificial flavorings available in packets these days. But if you want to get better results, eat plain isabgul instead of artificial flavored isabgul.

- In various shops, ordinary isabs are sold by adding artificial flavors and colors and claiming special functions, which are basically very bad for health. So it is best to eat these things in general.

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